Pharmacy ManagementPharmacy Management


The Certificate in Basic Pharmacy Management Program is a program that has the following objectives:

1.      To train Pharmacy Assistants who can work independently and deliver needy pharmaceutical services a t the Health Facilities’ of Papua New Guinea

2.      Program to commence training of 75 pharmacy assistants in the first trial lot with nominated five  PHAs: WHP, EHP, MBP, WP & Sandown (West Sepik) Province.

3.      Enrolments to be carefully scaled up in subsequent years to train up to over 1900 pharmacy assistants for the Health Centers and Community Aid posts in the country.

Entry Requirements

Admission into the program is by prior selection by PHA (Provincial Pharmacist).

You must provide a valid PNG grade 12 School Certificate or equivalent to enter the program:

1.      Grade 12 School leavers with 2 sciences and a minimum of a C grade.

2.      Grade 10 School Certificate (Minimum of Upper Pass in all 4 core subjects English, Mathematics, Social Science and Science).

Where is the Selection done?

PHA selection of 15 successful applicants in each province.

 Mode of Delivery

The CBPM program is studied through the distance education mode. The UPNG distance education is administered by the UPNG Open College. Its tutors/mentors available at each Study Centers and the PHA hospital pharmacists will facilitate your learning through tutorial and supervision. You will be informed of the tutorial times during registration and oriented on by the staff of the Campus/Centre you register with.

What Courses are studied?

The program consists of 8 compulsory courses and they are listed accordingly by semesters in the table below:

Duration of the course

 Duration of the program is 18 months. To achieve this and meet university requirement for 24 credit points for the award of university certificate the following sequencing of courses have been  adopted and implemented in a 16-week long semester system.   

Course Sequence, course numbers and credit points 

Year 1

Semester 1 – 2016

Course number

Credit Point

Basic Pharmaceutics



Storage and Handling of Medicines



Management of Medical Supplies






Semester 2– 2016



Introduction to Records and Data Management



Medicines Information Skills 



Pharmacy Practice Fundamentals






Year 2

Semester 3 – 2017






Basic Pharmaceutical Chemistry



Basic Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Microbiology



Total Credit Points



Each course carries 3 credits points.  The courses have been sequenced in a chronological order such that the preceding courses would serve as prerequisites to the subsequent courses.  Students will study and complete 3 courses in every semester of the first year and 2 courses in the second year as shown above.

 Fulfilling the Requirements for an Award of CBPM

Students are required to pass all the 8 compulsory/core courses in the sequence as outlined above to be eligible for an award of a CBPM Certificate.

Course descriptions

The course descriptions for the above courses are outlined below in Annex I:

 Required Resources


·            Staff core Discipline of Pharmacy staff and staff from sister disciplines including staff of Open College. PHA hospital pharmacists will be requested to offer periodic supervision and monitoring as required.

·            Teaching and Laboratory Facilities (Open college classroom facilities, PHA Hospital facilities, Area Medical Store/Transit Store facilities).

·            Information Technology and Library Resources

·            Specialty Resources and Equipment

·            Financial Resources:

Career path for Pharmacy Assistants

NDoH is keen to sustain the momentum created by recognition of the potential contribution of the Pharmacy Assistants and put in place plans to motivate and retain this cadre. One off such plans is to have a clearly defined career path with built in promotion criteria and continuing and lifelong learning programs.

 Course Fees

The fee per course unit is PGK 250 or equivalent. Course fees charged are subject to change from time to time.

Teaching and Learning

You will receive a self-instructional learning package for each of the courses of study after settling the course fees in full. The learning package will include a Course Outline, a Study Guide and a Log book and a Resource CD (optional). Some courses may not include a Resource CD.

Registration Procedures

The following are the procedures for registration:

1.      Obtain a letter of acceptance from the PHA in your province.

2.      Go to the nearest Branch of BSP with a Course Fee Deposit form from the Study Center and pay your fees:

Bank Name: Bank of South Pacific Branch: Waigani

Account No: ________________________________

Account Name: UPNG Distance Education Tuition Fee Account

3.      Present the copy of your deposit slip/butt to the Director of the Study Centre or the staff there and collect your registration form. Ensure you always obtain a photocopy of the receipt.

4.      Duly fill in the registration form, sign it and have it countersigned by the Director of the Study Centre.

5.      Present the yellow copy of your signed registration form to the staff of the Study Centre and collect your course materials.

For further information on the policy and requirements of registration, withdrawal, variation, and course fee refund, please see the course hand book and registration guide.


For further information

For further information and enquiries please contact the Discipline of Pharmacy, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, P.O.box 5623 Boroko, NCD.

Roxanne Kalit (secretary) Tel 3253595, 71387376  E-mail: rkkomeng@gmail.com

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