- Teacher: Wendy Kenu
- Teacher: Desmond Aisi
- Teacher: David Inaho
- Teacher: Florence Muga
- Teacher: Shalon Taufa-Waine
- Teacher: Victor Temple
- Teacher: John Vince
- Teacher: Pauline Wake
Group 2: EMRP
Rotation 1: Emergency medicine, Internal Medicine & Surgery
Supervisor (Honorary): Dr Desmond Aisi
Supervisors: Professor Sir Isi Kevau, Dr David Linge
Supervisors: A/Professor Ikau Kevau, Dr Petrus Opum
Rotation 2: Maternal, Child and Urban Health
Supervisors: Professor Glen Mola, Dr Arthur Elijah
Professor Tefuarani, Professor Vince, Dr Olita'a, Dr Pulsan, Dr Solomon
Rotation 3: Rural
Professor Georgia Guldan, Dr David Mills(Honorary)
Rotation 4: Psychiatry & Anaesthesia
Supervisor: Dr Florence Muga, Dr Joyce Sonoling(Honorary), Dr Hagali(Honorary)
Dr Pauline Wake, Dr Akelisi(Honorary), Dr Pole(Honorary), Dr
Temo(Honorary), Dr Aaron(Honorary)
- Teacher: Etuparo Buka
- Teacher: Georgia Guldan
- Teacher: John Vince
- Teacher: Pauline Wake
Group 3: PRME
Rotation 1: Psychiatry & Anaesthesia
Supervisor: Dr Florence Muga, Dr Joyce Sonoling(Honorary), Dr Hagali(Honorary)
Dr Pauline Wake, Dr Akelisi(Honorary), Dr Pole(Honorary), Dr
Temo(Honorary), Dr Aaron(Honorary)
Rotation 2: Rural
Professor Georgia Guldan, Dr David Mills(Honorary)
Rotation 3: Maternal, Child and Urban Health
Supervisors: Professor Glen Mola, Dr Arthur Elijah
Professor Tefuarani, Professor Vince, Dr Olita'a, Dr Pulsan, Dr Solomon
Rotation 4: Emergency medicine, Internal Medicine & Surgery
Supervisor (Honorary): Dr Desmond Aisi
Supervisors: Professor Sir Isi Kevau, Dr David Linge
Supervisors: A/Professor Ikau Kevau, Dr Petrus Opum
- Teacher: Pauline Wake
Group 4: RPEM
Rotation 1: Rural
Professor Georgia Guldan, Dr David Mills(Honorary)
Rotation 2: Psychiatry & Anaesthesia
Supervisor: Dr Florence Muga, Dr Joyce Sonoling(Honorary), Dr Hagali(Honorary)
Dr Pauline Wake, Dr Akelisi(Honorary), Dr Pole(Honorary), Dr
Temo(Honorary), Dr Aaron(Honorary)
Rotation 3: Emergency medicine, Internal Medicine & Surgery
Supervisor (Honorary): Dr Desmond Aisi
Supervisors: Professor Sir Isi Kevau, Dr David Linge
Supervisors: A/Professor Ikau Kevau, Dr Petrus Opum
Rotation 4: Maternal, Child and Urban Health
Supervisors: Professor Glen Mola, Dr Arthur Elijah
Professor Tefuarani, Professor Vince, Dr Olita'a, Dr Pulsan, Dr Solomon
- Teacher: Naomi Hehonah
- Teacher: Mere Kende
- Teacher: Florence Muga
- Teacher: Elias Namosha
- Teacher: Sunita Sethy
- Teacher: Shalon Taufa-Waine
- Teacher: Pauline Wake
Domain 5 Chair – Dr. Clare Tomdia Credit Points 4
Directed own-learning tasks, based on discipline deficiencies identified in year 2, and the own-learning viva following the Group Task, will all contribute to Domain 5 assessment. Student and supervisor reports on elective 3 will also be a component of assessment in this Domain; late submission of contracts or reports will attract academic penalties.
- Teacher: Pauline Wake